Float the Emmet County West Fork of the Des Moines Water Trail. This section is an Iowa DNR designated water trail!
Kayaks are available for rent to float from the North Trailhead to the 4th Street Bridge Access. There are 6 single kayaks and two tandem kayaks available. Each kayak is $25 per day from 12pm to 8pm to rent 7 days a week. All kayaks must be returned before 8:30pm or you will incur a late fee.
Follow this link to rent:
All rentals come with a one size fits all life jacket and paddle. Kayaks must be rented online before 12pm the day of rental and can be rented as early as 21 days in advance.
Note: 2023 Summer Floating Season
There is a tree down that you must portage around. Easy portage on river bank. Please be prepared to carry your boat a few feet around the tree.
Kayak Rental Station
Kayak Rental Stations are located at the North Trailhead on A17. Pick up your boat from this station and float to the 4th Street Bridge Access, a 5.8 mile float. Once finished floating return your kayak to the 4th street bridge rental station into the same numbered locker using the same code you used to take out.
Download the information brochure here!
Float at your own risk. The West Fork of the Des Moines River is susceptible to river flooding and droughts so use caution before floating.
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